torsdag, februari 12, 2009

The missing Mr Cornthwait

Dodge Brothers
Attorneys at Law
Gamwell, Connecticut
January 30th 1925

Dear sir...
I have been referred to you by a mutual friend. As his attorney, I am very interested in locating the missing Mr. Arthur Cornthwait
and our associate mentioned your name as being one skilled in locating missing people, particularly those of Mr Cornthwait's persuasion.
Thus I have taken the liberty of contacting you.
I am a partner of an established legal firm in Gamwell. Mr Arthur Cornthwait is one of our clients, and as his attorney we hold certain
documents in trust for him. It would appear that Mr Cornthwait has departed without notifying us of his movements.
This leaves us in a quandary as how to manage his estate in his absence without his attorney in such matters.
We would like you to locate Mr Cornthwait, and obtain from him his wishes in respect of this matter, or better still request that he contact us.
If it should, heaven forbid, transpire that Mr Cornthwait is no longer with us, then we need some evidence of same to proceed with his wishes
as outlined in his Last Will and Testament. Hopefully this is an unnecessary contingency, but one which we must nevertheless consider in
the light of Mr Cornthwait's mysterious departure.

I hope that you are free to give this matter your immediate attention, and would like to extend an invitation to you to attend an interview
at our offices as soon as it is convenient, to discuss both the details of the situation and your professional fees.

Anticipating a prompt reply,
Yours faithfully,
Walter Dodge

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